+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | gdbserver | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | gdbstub | | | | | | +---------+ +------+---------------------+---------+ | | | | | | | | | | | gdbstub | | emu | gdbstub |gdbstub | | | | break | | | rcmd |callback | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------+-------+------+------+---------+ | | | | | SFA | | | | | | | |cmd seq| | | | | | | +-------+ | | | | | | | gdbstub | | | | | | | memory mmap | arm flash | | | | | | | | | | | +----+-----------+--------+-----+-----+----------+ | | | | memory | memory | | | | | | read/write | workspace | jt flash | +----+---+----+----+-------------------------+-----------+----------+ | | | | | ARM - core - access | | | | | +-----------+----------+----------+---------+-----+--------+ | | CORTEX-M3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Core/Sytem| ARM7TDMI | ARM9TDMI | CP15_XX | MMU | ICE_RT | | | AHB | | | | | | | | DAP | | | | | | | +-----------+----------+----------+---------+-----+--------+ | | JTAG intr. | | TCP/IP +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | TAP ( Wrapper ) | | +-+-+-+-+--------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | TAP ( driver ) | | +-+-+-+-+--------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | raw - IO (via LPT) | +--------+-+-+-+-+--------------------------------------------------+
gdbserver The ARM-Gdb-server
gdbstub Stub to GDB
emulevel ARM/Thumb Code Emulator
armlevel ARM high level routines
memorylevel memory access
workspacelevel memory/workspace access
icertlevel ICE-RT-JTAG intruction level routines
mmulevel MMU level routines
cp15level CP15-JTAG intruction level routines
jtflashlevel jt flash
armcorelevel ARM-JTAG intruction level routines
instrlevel JTAG intruction level routines
taplevel TAP-Level JTAG routines
rawiovialpt Raw - IO (via LPT)
miscsup Miscellaneous support