Modul Overview

  |                                                                   |
  |                         gdbserver                                 |
  |                                                                   |
  |    +--------------------------------------------------------------+
  |    |                                                              |
  |    |                      gdbstub                                 |
  |    |                                                              |
  |    |        +---------+    +------+---------------------+---------+
  |    |        |         |    |      |                     |         |
  |    |        | gdbstub |    | emu  |     gdbstub         |gdbstub  |
  |    |        |  break  |    |      |      rcmd           |callback |
  |    |        |         |    |      |                     |         |
  |    |        |         |    +------+-------+------+------+---------+
  |    |        |         |           | SFA   |      |                |
  |    |        |         |           |cmd seq|      |                |
  |    |        |         |           +-------+      |                |
  |    |        |         |           |   gdbstub    |                |
  |    |        |         |           | memory mmap  | arm flash      |
  |    |        |         |           |              |                |
  |    |        |    +----+-----------+--------+-----+-----+----------+
  |    |        |    |      memory             |  memory   |          |
  |    |        |    |    read/write           | workspace | jt flash |
  |        |                                                          |
  |        |                ARM - core - access                       |
  |        |                                                          |
  |        +-----------+----------+----------+---------+-----+--------+
  |        | CORTEX-M3 |          |          |         |     |        |
  |        |           |          |          |         |     |        |
  |        | Core/Sytem| ARM7TDMI | ARM9TDMI | CP15_XX | MMU | ICE_RT |
  |        | AHB       |          |          |         |     |        |
  |        | DAP       |          |          |         |     |        |
  |        +-----------+----------+----------+---------+-----+--------+
  |        |                JTAG intr.                                |
  | TCP/IP +----------------------------------------------------------+
  |        |                TAP ( Wrapper )                           |
  |        +-+-+-+-+--------------------------------------------------+
  |        | | | | |        TAP ( driver )                            |
  |        +-+-+-+-+--------------------------------------------------+
  |        | | | | |        raw - IO (via LPT)                        |

gdbserver The ARM-Gdb-server
gdbstub Stub to GDB
emulevel ARM/Thumb Code Emulator
armlevel ARM high level routines
memorylevel memory access
workspacelevel memory/workspace access
icertlevel ICE-RT-JTAG intruction level routines
mmulevel MMU level routines
cp15level CP15-JTAG intruction level routines
jtflashlevel jt flash
armcorelevel ARM-JTAG intruction level routines
instrlevel JTAG intruction level routines
taplevel TAP-Level JTAG routines
rawiovialpt Raw - IO (via LPT)
miscsup Miscellaneous support

This file is part of the documentation for JTAG-GDB Server for ARM .

Generated on Mon Feb 15 21:23:21 2010 by doxygen 1.6.2.